Students raise funds for Vanuatu

Each year, students from Hutt International Boys’ School perform a charitable service for their school and communities, with one group focusing on an international service. 

They fundraise, seek sponsorship, and collect goods to take to a community less fortunate than their own. In the past students have travelled to the Philippines, Mexico, Samoa, Vietnam, Tonga, and Cook Islands to help with tasks like painting school buildings, setting up computer systems, improving drainage, and installing water tanks.

This year, the international service team of 16 students and four staff, were intending to travel to Vanuatu to assist with the build of a school classroom. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the group were not able to travel internationally. Still wishing to assist communities in Vanuatu, they instead chose to donate $6,000 they had already raised to our work in Vanuatu, as well as The Blue Dragon Foundation (Vietnam) and the Himalayan Trust.

The funds they have generously donated will go towards much-needed equipment for The Vanuatu National Eye Centre, such as surgical stools and chairs, which will help patients and staff with their eye examinations. 

We are so grateful that they decided to support our work ending avoidable blindness in the Pacific. A huge thanks to these students for their amazing fundraising efforts. If your school is looking for fundraising opportunities, you can find more information and ideas here.

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