Masi's story

Masi's story

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Masi, an eight-year-old boy from Fiji, has had an avoidable blindness in both eyes for nearly his whole life.

Masi’s grandparents have been his sole caregivers since he was a baby. At just eight months old they noticed a white spot in one of his eyes, as he grew older, this developed into cataracts in both eyes.

Masi’s vision was very poor. If the sun was out, he would struggle to see anything as it was too bright and made his eyes very sensitive. He would cover them to hide from the light, telling his family that he preferred to stay in the dark.

When a child like Masi - with his whole life ahead of him - is hiding away from the daylight and missing out on valuable parts of his childhood, it is heartbreaking.

His grandparents were so worried - they told us:

“We often think about the future. By the time we have passed away, who will look after him?”

Masi was referred to a Children's Outreach

Masi has attended the Fiji School for the Blind since he was five. He boards there and goes home on weekends and holidays. One day at school, Masi’s life changed. His teachers had referred him to the Pacific Eye Institute (PEI) in Suva and he was told that he would have eye surgery at a Children’s Outreach.

His family were so overjoyed to learn of this, but they were also nervous. Despite the nerves, they held onto the hope of the future opportunities Masi could have if his vision was restored.

“He will finally be able to see clearly,” they said. “The things that he can’t do, he will be able to do it!”

To get his sight back, Masi had to go through two cataract operations plus weeks of appointments and recovery. It was a long and scary journey for him and his family, but it transformed their lives.

When Masi first returned home from the Children’s Outreach at the Pacific Eye Institute (PEI) in Suva, his family were so excited to see him. His cousin had made welcome home posters. When Masi saw the posters, he was so happy, and he could read them perfectly. Before his cataract operations, he would have had to bring them close to his face to read them.

As Masi’s eyes healed, his sight was fully restored. It was a dream come true.

Masi can now see his family clearly

Masi’s family is so grateful for your support and send their thanks:

“We would like to thank you for your help, donations, that our kids are getting into surgery, able to see, recover. If you could help more - there are so many children around Fiji, that still have what Masi had, that need surgery.

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