For the first time he can

see his family clearly

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Future Fund 2024

Help fund projects and initiatives that will have a powerful, lasting impact in the Pacific

Become part of a community &

make a difference every month

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We’re not holding back

Until we end avoidable blindness and vision impairment in the Pacific. Here's how.

What we do

Snapshots of success

The positive differences we have made with your support.


81,839 in 2023


5,792 in 2023


23 in 2023

Eye clinics


But we’re not done

There are still over 1 billion people living with vision loss — most of which is treatable and preventable. Use our Impact Calculator to see how you can make a difference.

This calculator has been created to give you an idea of what your donation could achieve, figures are indicative only.
Find out more about how your donation might be used.

How does it feel?

Drag the arrows to get a glimpse of what it's like to have your sight restored.

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