Celebration at Government House

On 15 May Their Excellencies, The Governor-General of New Zealand, The Rt Hon Dame Patsy Reddy, GNZM, QSO and Patron of The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ, and Sir David Gascoigne KNZM, CBE hosted a reception celebrating the 25th anniversary of The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ.

The reception included a spotlight session hosted by Radio New Zealand and Pacific leaders, including Dr Biu Sikivou, Director of The Foundation's Pacific Eye Institute and leader of the programme to combat diabetic eye disease, responding to the Pacific Diabetes Epidemic.

This event also saw the unveiling of plans for the significant upgrade and expansion of The National Eye Centre located at Port Vila Central Hospital in Vanuatu. The upgrade will include a multi-purpose facility to better cater for the huge increase in diabetic patients.

Below is a gallery of photos from the event.

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