Gift in your will

Make Fred's legacy your legacy

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Leave the gift of sight in your Will.

Kiwi eye surgeon Fred Hollow's dream was a world where no one is needlessly blind or vision impaired. He championed the right of all people to high-quality and affordable eye care. Globally, 9 out of 10 people who are blind don’t need to be, their condition is preventable or treatable.

"We are giving people the chance to help themselves. We are giving them independence." - Professor Fred Hollows.

A gift in your Will to The Foundation will help keep that dream alive.

Fred left an incredible legacy -

  • More than 3 million people who were needlessly blind can now see.
  • Thousands of eye care workers, including doctors, nurses, community health workers, and technicians have been trained through The Fred Hollows Foundation.
  • Hospitals, clinics and outreach teams restore sight in the most remote parts of the world.

Your legacy will live on through the people whose independence has been restored.

Download our brochure about leaving a gift in your Will 

Why pledge a gift to The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ?

By pledging a Gift in your Will, you will help change the lives of not only the people who are blind, but their family members too. To lose your sight is devastating, and for every person who is needlessly blind, there is often someone else selflessly giving up their livelihood to care for them. Your support means more people can return to work or school, so they can build a better future for themselves, their families, and their community.

As you reflect on the legacy you wish to leave behind, consider the enduring power of Giving the Gift of Sight.

Glenis and her decision

Glenis has left a gift in her Will to The Fred Hollows Foundation because she thinks we do "an absolutely marvelous job."

“Having been born with poor eyesight, I have worn glasses since nine years old. I will never forget the day I put my glasses on for the first time and was amazed, astonished, overwhelmed by what I could see. I just want others to have that same feeling.

"The education and training The Fred Hollows Foundation provides is fantastic. For a very small monthly donation, people in the Pacific have access to decent eye care. Without The Foundation working in the Pacific community, I think there would be no opportunity for people to regain their eyesight.

I think very highly of Fred Hollows, who gave his life to helping others. I feel the foundation carries on his important work.

I have no kids and I want what I have accumulated in my life to go to a worthy cause... so I picked The Fred Hollows Foundation."

She jokes, "My parents are 88 and 90 and still alive, so I think you have some time yet to wait to realise the bequest.”

Fay's Pledge

Fay is one of our inspirational supporters who has pledged to leave a gift in her Will to The Foundation.

Fay knew Fred’s father and kept a watchful eye on his remarkable son. She followed Fred’s progress and his incredible work. She was inspired to support The Foundation when she heard Fred’s wife Gabi talk about our important sight-saving work.

Fay contributed towards the upgrade of the National Eye Centre in Vanuatu. She travelled all the way to Vanuatu to witness the opening. We caught up with Fay there and asked her to talk about her thoughts on The Foundation and why she has chosen to leave a gift to us in her Will.

Watch Fay tell her story.

Craig's choice

Craig had been impressed by the life's work of the incredible Fred Hollows.

"I was impressed with Fred Hollows – the way he helped with giving sight back to people. Especially people in the Pacific who have deeper problems with their sight.

Supporting The Fred Hollows Foundation ticks all the right boxes, the money given fills in the gaps.

I was updating my Will recently and I decided to leave a gift in my Will to the foundation because it feels right to do it. It was a no-brainer! Helping people along."

While it was a no-brainer for Craig, it certainly isn't something so clear cut for everyone and it is truly admirable that his first instinct is to help others. Carrying on Fred's work both in spirit and in action.

Making a Will

Talk to your loved ones

We appreciate that organising your Will is one of the most important decisions of your life. You'll want to provide for your loved ones first. We encourage you to talk to them about leaving a gift in your Will to The Foundation before making your decision.

If you choose to remember The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ in your Will, the next step is to visit your solicitor or the trustee company. When you're there, you will need to tell them who you want to benefit from your Will and who you wish to act as your executors.

You will also need to tell your solicitor or the trustee company what kind of gift you want to make to The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ.

Suggested wording for your gift

Residuary gift

"I give the residue (or % share of the residue) of my estate to The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ (registered charity number CC23722), for its general purpose, and I declare that a receipt given by the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Foundation shall be an absolute discharge to my Trustees."

Pecuniary gift

"I give to The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ (registered charity number CC23722), for its general purposes, the sum of (insert Amount) and I declare that a receipt given by the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Foundation shall be an absolute discharge to my Trustees."

Other important information for your solicitor or trustee company

The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ is a registered charitable trust - registration AK/566925.

The Foundation is registered with the Charities Commission - registration number CC23722.

Create your Will online

Remembering The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ is a very personal decision, but it's one that carries great hope. It's an act that expresses what you believe in, and one that will help ensure a world where no one is needlessly blind or vision impaired.

We are proud to have partnered with Safewill, a trusted, safe, and easy to use Will writing platform. Every Will is checked by a lawyer to make sure it has been completed correctly. Thanks to this partnership, our supporters are invited to write their Will online.

Fast – takes less than 10 minutes using their step-by-step guide
Free – low cost and free 2 times a year (March and September)
Easy – simply print and sign

Visit the Safewill website to get started now.

Join us today. Leaving a legacy is a reflection of your life, values, and experiences.

For more information on wording or to leave a gift in your Will, please contact us for a no-obligation chat

Contact Karen Blake – Relationship Manager


Phone: (+64) 0800 227 229
Address: Level 22, 120 Albert Street, Auckland 1010
Mail: Private Bag 99909, Newmarket, Auckland 1149

Download our brochure about leaving a gift in your Will

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