Outreaches in the Pacific

Our ultimate goal is to train enough local eye health workers to reach everyone in need of eye care. In the meantime, our Outreach Teams regularly visit communities throughout the Pacific.

Outreaches in the Pacific

What's an outreach?

The Pacific Islands are spread over a vast area and many people simply cannot afford to travel hundreds of kilometres to the nearest clinic or hospital. Our Outreach Team travel to communities most in need of eye care services. They base themselves at local hospitals where they screen and treat patients for a range of eye problems, provide cataract and other sight-restoring surgeries, and dispense brand new, ready-made spectacles. Foundation-trained eye doctors also carry out outreaches in their own countries.

What can one outreach achieve?

Our outreaches are usually a week-long, and each eye doctor performs around 20 sight-restoring surgeries a day with the support of our eye nurses. This is high-volume surgery by international standards. We’re committed to providing high-quality eye care, and our local eye nurses record the outcomes of every surgery and make sure any complications are attended to.

Our outreach programme also gives our trainee eye doctors and nurses the opportunity to gain valuable experience under the guidance of skilled eye doctors. In 2023, our Outreach Teams carried out 19 surgical outreaches, saw more than 6,000 patients, and performed more than 1,600 sight-restoring operations.

The challenges of outreach

Many hospitals across the Pacific are under-resourced, and our teams often carry in their own surgical equipment to set up temporary clinics. This is especially difficult when the only way to get to a remote community is by boat. There are so many people in need of sight-restoring surgery that our teams work long hours; their passion for restoring sight keeps them going.

"Because we don’t know when we’ll be back, we’re always under pressure to get through all the operations. The doctors have to work on rotation, sometimes into the night, to ensure we see all the people who need our help.”
– Dr Duke Mataka, Ophthalmologist from Tonga

Will outreaches always be needed?

The demand for outreaches will drop as Foundation-trained eye doctors and nurses return home to work in their own communities. Our local eye doctors will continue to run outreaches within their own countries because there simply isn’t the population to require permanent eye doctors in all remote areas. As our outreaches decrease, we’ll increase our investment in our workforce support programme. This will ensure our eye doctors and nurses receive on-going mentoring and support.

2023 key achievements

  • In 2023, our outreach teams carried out 16 surgical outreaches, providing over 6,000 consultations and performing more than 1,600 sight-restoring operations.
  • A total of 126 screening, surgical and diabetic outreaches were conducted.
  • 2 Pacific Outreaches were led by the PEI team to Samoa

Information for patients and family of patients

Enquiries via Pacific Eye Institute/CWM Eye Clinic

Brown St, Suva
(+679) 3100 424

Opening hours

(Please note Fiji can be one hour behind New Zealand depending on daylight savings)

Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday – Sunday CLOSED


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